Saturday, September 26, 2009

7 Days of Hope: Day 6 Audio Recording Available...

Day 6 audio recording...

If calling the Hope Hotline is not an option for you here's your chance to listen into the calls...

Download the Day 6 audio recording...

To download your personal copy of the Day 6 audio recording click here...

Listen to the recording and be sure to share your thoughts...

One last thing...your free gift from Day 6 will be available shortly.

Hope Hotline: 1 212-714-4673 (4673 = HOPE), open 24/7. Go ahead and call...wink!

Hope: What gets in the way?

7 Days of Hope: Day 6, transcript...

Welcome to the Hope Hotline

Today I'm going focus on the question...

What gets in the way of you experiencing hope?

If hope is one of those things that seems to come and go without reason this message maybe the message you're looking for.

I'm James Possible and I'll be your Hope Host today.

Today is the 7th of August 2009.

The Hope Hotline is sponsored by Katherine Gotshall English and it is because of Katherine that you and I are having this hoepful opportunity.

Ok, let's get started...

What is it that's keeping you from experiencing hope?

- Are you looking in the right places?
- Are you talking to the right people?
- Are you eating the right foods?
- Are you exercising?
- Are you reading the right books?

(and the list could really go on and on and on)

Seriously, if you're asking a question that is similar to the questions I just asked, then this will be important for you to consider...

Hope is not something you have to look for, in the way you might go looking for buried treasure. Rather it is something that is always with you. If you're not seeing or feeling it, then it's time for a change, it's time to starting asking questions.

It's time for you to start asking questions!

First, let's take one more look at the questions I just asked...

Being in the right place or with the right person can definitely create the opportunity for you to have an experience of hope. Still, it is not the place or the person that ultimately creates the Hope.

- It is YOU, that makes it happen!
- It is YOU, that allows yourself to be hopeful!

I know this can sound a little tricky.

So, what is it about the place or the person that allows you to be hopeful?

That's a question for you to consider.

As you are going through your day, your week or even your month take time to notice those moments when you are feeling hopeful and inspired. Give yourself a chance to step back from the moment and to observe and to ask the question...

What is different about this moment?

- Is it the place?
- Is it the person(s)?

What is it?

You can also do the samething with fear and by working backwards you can begin to answer the same questions for Hope.

The more you ask questions the more likely you are to begin to understand how hope works for you.

- Your job is to be the observer
- Your job is to notice

You may even consider whether or not you're getting enough sleep.

Something that simple could have an impact on your ability to be hopeful.

Have you ever heard the saying "Garbage in, Garbage out"?

What you eat, whether or not you exercise or even what you read, all can play a role in how mindful you are during your day. They are influencers that can impact your attitude and your ability to experience and to respond to life.

Are you giving yourself the best opportunity possible to live your day to it's fullest?

It all starts with YOU, even Hope starts with YOU!

Pay attention, notice your habits and notice YOU.

One last thing to consider here is this...

Do you trust and value what you know?

Not what you think, rather what you know. And I'm talking about the knowing that comes with a feeling i.e., like the saying "I can feel it in my bones". We all have those feelings, some of us ignore them and others of us learn to rely on them.

If you're not relying on what you know, does that mean you are relying on others for the answer?

Something else for you to consider.

How often to you doubt what your gut is telling only to have someone else tell you the very same thing?

Learning to trust yourself can really help when it comes to you being more hopeful.

Remember Hope takes practice and before you can practice Hope you have have to practice trusting yourself.

Have a beautiful day, thanks for being here.

Remember, you can find more Hope tips, gifts and past recordings at That's the number

Take care.

Hope Hotline: 1 212-714-4673 (4673 = HOPE), open 24/7. Go ahead and call...wink!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

7 Days of Hope: Day 5 Audio Recording Available...

Day 5 audio recording...

If calling the Hope Hotline is not an option for you here's your chance to listen into the calls...

Download the Day 5 audio recording...

To download your personal copy of the Day 5 audio recording click here...

Listen to the recording and be sure to share your thoughts...

One last thing...your free gift from Day 5 will be available shortly.

Hope Hotline: 1 212-714-4673 (4673 = HOPE), open 24/7. Go ahead and call...wink!

Hope: Your wish, is my command!

7 Days of Hope: Day 5, transcript...

Welcome to the Hope Hotline.

I'm going to start off with a quote quote from Richard Bach's book "Illusions"...

"Argue for your limitations and you get to keep them."

I like to say it like this...

"Argue for your limitations and your limitations are what you will have!"

Hope doesn't understand limitations, Hope only sees possibilities.

So, what if...

Seriously, WHAT IF, you suddenly found yourself without any the Genie might say...

"Your wish, is my command!"

Can you even imagine such a possibility?

I'm James Possible and I'll be your hope host today.

Today is the 6th of August 2009.

This is the 5th day of hope for me and I'm glad to know that you and I are sharing it together. Hope is a wonderful thing and it is because of Katherine Gotshall English that we even have this hopeful opportunity today.

Ok, before I get rolling I would like to invite you to share what you notice during our time together. Even if it's just a single word, share it. It would really be great to hear from you, so, at the end of the call, after the beep just leave a message, even it's just to say say hi...grin!

Ok, "Your wish, is my command!"

What goes through your mind when you hear "Your wish, is my command"?

Is it something like...

- Whatever you say James, whatever you say!
- or Life doesn't work like that, come on, get real!
- or How is that suppose to happen?

(did you have doubts like that)

...or did you start to think about your wish?

Did you start to think about the possibilities?

Seriously, did you have a wish in mind and if so, what was it?

Share your wish with me at the end of the call...I'd love to hear it.

It's so easy to get caught up in the (quote) "REALITIES" of life, that you actually can forget...

- that you even have an opportuntiy to dream
- or that you even have a dream to dream

...just as important, you may have learned, some where along the way that dreams don't come true.

I'm here to say, your dream can come true.

Dreams come true every day for people just like you. So, why not your dream?

Why not YOU!

Have you dreamed lately, if not, maybe it's time for you to get started.


Remember...if you're to busy to're to busy to live...

Feeling stressed, feeling challenged, maybe thinking ok James "I
hear you BUT..."

Then...let's take a break, let's take a couple deep slow breaths...

Ready, close your eyes and breath with me...
breath in...breath out...
One more time
breath in...breath out...

Let it go...relax...


Ok, how did that feel? I love when I give myself a chance to take a couple slow deep breaths, it always feels so good. It energizes me.

- Hope is another thing that feels good!
- Hope is another thing that energizes me!

It's also important to remember, Hope is not a passive state of being. Hope without action is nothing more than a wish.

Are you taking hopeful or fearful actions?

Did you know we vote with our vote with your actions.

Your actions tell the world and everyone else what matters most. Whether or not you like it, it is a fact. The thing that is most important to you is the thing that will get the lions share of your attention and action.

- Do your actions match what you most want
- or are you focused on something that isn't so important.

Just notice what is true, don't fight it, don't judge it, just notice.

And then remember...

At best, we do things imperfectly...

One more time, really think about this, at best, we do things imperfectly.

Another quote that comes to mind is one from Thomas Leonard...

You are ALWAYS doing your best, even when it's clear to others you are not!

He's saying...


Where you are today is perfect.

How's that for hope...that's like over the top hopeful.

Earlier this week I talked about where ever you are is enough. You can start there and from there begin to be hopeful, no matter the challenge you face, hope is always available to you.

All you have to do is...

- slow down
- look around
- remember what's important
- notice what you notice
- take a deep, slow breath

and ask yourself...

Is what I'm doing and who I'm being in this moment hopeful or fearful?

Remember, hope takes practice, so, give it your attention on a regular basis.

Have an amazing day,

Come visit me at, that's the number Listen to the recorded calls and enjoy the gifts of hope I created just for you.

Thank you.

Hope Hotline: 1 212-714-4673 (4673 = HOPE), open 24/7. Go ahead and call...wink!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

7 Days of Hope: Day 4 Audio Recording Available...

Day 4 audio recording...

If calling the Hope Hotline is not an option for you here's your chance to listen into the calls...

Download the Day 4 audio recording...

To download your personal copy of the Day 4 audio recording click here...

Listen to the recording and be sure to share your thoughts...

One last thing...your free gift from Day 4 will be available shortly.

Hope Hotline: 1 212-714-4673 (4673 = HOPE), open 24/7. Go ahead and call...wink!

Filling Your Hope Chest: Moments of Hope

7 Days of Hope: Day 4, transcript...

Welcome to the Hope Hotline

This is James Possible I'll be your Hope Host today.

Today is the 5th of August 2009.

This is my 4th day of hope, in all we will have 10 days of hope together.

The Hope Hotline is sponsored by Katherine Gotshall English. It is because of Katherine that you and I are having this moment of hope.

So, let's review...

Over the last three days we've covered quite a bit...

Sharing -

Getting your thoughts out of your head.

- By saying them
- By writing them
- By sharing them

This give you an opportunity to experience your thoughts in a different way. Thoughts can be so seductive while they are in your head. Getting them out quickly let's you know whether or not they could benefit from a couple changes or even if they matter.

We also talked about breathing -

By stepping back and giving yourself a chance to breathe you also give yourself an opportunity to become an observer of your experience. A perspective that can really make a difference.

I also shared how hope and fear cannot be experienced at the same time.

- When you are hopeful there is no fear.
- When you are fearful there is no hope.

So, keep that in mind and use it.

I also mentioned how recalling your hopeful moments can really help you find and keep your hope.

So, take a moment to consider...

- What helps you find hope?
- What gives you a feeling of hope?
- What gives you an experience of hope?

...think about it...

- What things are hopeful for you?
- What places are hopeful for you?
- What people are hopeful for you?
- What words are hopeful for you?
- Even, what books are hopeful for you?

...take a moment to answer the questions, by recalling those moments when a person, a place or a thing from either your past or present gave you a sense of hopefulness.

Pay attention to your feeling.

Pay attention to your physical experience as you recall your hopeful moments. Your physical experience is a clue to how you experience hope and with practice you
will be able to create those hopeful experiences with ease.

Notice how and where you experience your feelings of hope. Where in your body do you experience it...

- in your stomach
- in your hands
- in your face
- in your toes
- in your bones

...just notice.

As you recall your hopeful moments find a way to keep them close by, so you can recall them easily and often. Imagine having a hope chest and placing each hopeful moment inside of your hope chest.

Practice recalling your hopeful moments, do it often.

Hope takes practice!

Hope is not passive, hope requires your participation.

- Keep your hope alive
- Care for your hope
- Nurture your hope

Immerse yourself in hope and your life will become an experience you want to live. Take it in, find your hope.

Live your life!

Ok, take a moment, after the beep, to leave a message. Share with me a hopeful moment you recalled.

Also, remember to goto, that's the number, for call recordings, free gifts and much more.

Have an amazing day,

Thanks for being here with me.

Hope Hotline: 1 212-714-4673 (4673 = HOPE), open 24/7. Go ahead and call...wink!

Monday, August 10, 2009

7 Days of Hope: Day 3 Audio Recording Available...

Day 3 audio recording...

If calling the Hope Hotline is not an option for you here's your chance to listen into the calls...

Download the Day 3 audio recording...

To download your personal copy of the Day 3 audio recording click here...

Listen to the recording and be sure to share your thoughts...

One last thing...your free gift from Day 3 is available by clicking on the "Day 3: Finding Hope..." link to the right of this post.

Hope Hotline: 1 212-714-4673 (4673 = HOPE), open 24/7. Go ahead and call...wink!

Friday, August 7, 2009

Finding Little Pieces of Hope

7 Days of Hope: Day 3, transcript...

Welcome to the Hope Hotline

This is James Possible I'll be your Hope Host today.

Today is the 4th of August 2009.

This is our 3rd day together.

In all there will be 10 days for me. Katherine Gotshall English shared with me today that I'd be doing 10 instead of 7 days. So, what a wonderful surprise, 3 extra days of hope.

- Hope is kind.
- Hope is generous.
- Hope is freeing.

What keeps you from finding hope?
What keeps you from experiencing hope?

It's FEAR!

No time for hope...

Now you can say that it's "well, I don't have time". You can say that, show me your schedule and you have your schedule so tightly packed that, that there's really not even time for those who are near and dear to you, let alone thinking about something like hope.

But, the amazing thing about hope is that...

Hope will set you free!

And hope, when we're in a hopeful place, it's energizing. When we are in a fearful place it's a very draining and taxing experience it takes away from you.

- Hope energizes.
- Hope replenishes you.

So, think about these things...

- Fear drains you
- Fear will push you to a point where you have to rely on will power, Hope won't.

- Hope energizes.
- Hope brings a smile to your face.
- Hope warms your heart.

- Hope opens the door to generosity.
- Hope opens you up to other people.

When we are hopeful, the world around is hopeful, when we are fearful the world around us is fearful.

So, be hopeful.

Find those little pieces of hope in your day, those little things that make you smile, that warm your heart, that warm your spirit.

- Those little things that remind you that to will pass.
- Those little things that remind you that "WOW, this is a beautiful day, I'm so glad to be here, I'm so glad to be alive!"

- Is it a picture?
- Is it a person?
- Is it stepping outside and seeing the sunrise or seeing the sunset?
- Is it stepping outside and feeling a drop or rain caress your cheek?
- Is it stepping outside and smelling the flowers or hearing the birds?

What is it that brings that smile to your face, that bring a warmth to your heart?

If nothing comes to you in the moment, in the present, then what in the past has given you that smile?

- Find that moment
- Recall that moment
- Notice how it feels

Feel it, experience it, in your body, not in your head, in your body. Notice what changes, notice when you feel your heart warm what your body feels like. Notice when you smile at somebody what you feel like, what your body feels like, what you experience physically when you smile
or when somebody smiles at you. Notice what changes...

In those little bitty ways you'll find hope!

When's the last time you touched somebody on the shoulder and said "Hi" or asked them "How's your day?"

When's the last time you did that...

- The human touch is a powerful thing!
- The human touch, a hopeful touch, is a healing thing, it's a gift!

Find a way...

So, in your busy day find a way to connect with somebody else today. Find a way to say "Hi", find a way to say "I'm here, I'm listening, how are you"?

- Hope is kind.
- Hope is generous
- Hope is freeing

Have a beautiful day,

Thank you for being here with me.

Share a message after the beep.

Hope Hotline: 1 212-714-4673 (4673 = HOPE), open 24/7. Go ahead and call...wink!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

7 Days of Hope: Day 2 Audio Recording Available...

Day 2 audio recording...

If calling the Hope Hotline is not an option for you here's your chance to listen into the calls...

Download the Day 2 audio recording...

To download your personal copy of the Day 2 audio recording click here...

Listen to the recording and be sure to share your thoughts...

One last thing...your free gift from Day 2 is available by clicking on the "Day 2: Distinctions of HOPE!" link to the right of this post.

Hope Hotline: 1 212-714-4673 (4673 = HOPE), open 24/7. Go ahead and call...wink!

Hope is kind, fear is not...

7 Days of Hope: Day 2, transcript...

Welcome to the Hope Hotline.

This is James Possible I'll be your hope host today.

Today is the 3rd of August 2009.

The Hope Hotline is sponsored by Katherine Gotshall English.
It is because of Katherine that you and I are having this
moment of hope.

- Hope is about possibility.
- Fear does not see possibility.

- Hope is about choice.
- Fear doesn't see a choice.

When we are fearful there are no options...

There's only one way to do it and it's usually a have to. I've got to do this and I've got to do it this way and I've got to do it by a certain time.

It's just amazing when we get into that fearful state of mind all the things that we feel are true and that we have to do. And if all we do is step back from that moment, those moments of stress and those anxiety filled moments. If we just step back from them and allow ourselves to take a deep slow breath...



Breath in...breath out...

One more time...

Breath in...


Suddenly we are a different person. Our body physically changes, our mindset changes when we allow ourselves to take a breath. When we are anxious and upset and stressed we stop breathing. It's important to remember to breath.

Breath in hope and breath out fear...

When we breath we literally breath in hope and breath out fear.

Suddenly we can see possibility when we allow ourselves to step back and ask questions about what's going on. So, notice that, pay attention, breath and slow down.

Share your thoughts, share your experiences...

As you're hearing me, as you're thinking about all of this what experiences are coming to mind for you, what words are coming to mind for you, what thoughts. Well, I want you to share those thoughts at the end of this call. And it's not just for me, it's for you because as you're thinking stuff and you start to speak it, it always sounds different than when you're thinking it.

When we speak our thoughts we gain perspective...

So, speak things, write things, so you can get them out of your head. and so the things that aren't so obvious in your head can become very obvious as you speak them. And sometimes, just
sometimes, if you're so anxious and upset about something, sometimes just speaking it, makes it so obvious why it's not true.

Silence suppresses hope...

It's a great practice to share your thoughts.

- Hope is not Silent.
- Fear thrives in silence.

So, notice those things.

Today, I want to give to you a gift the Distinctions of Hope and you can get that at (and that's the number 7, ok, and yesterday's recording, hope recording is there as well.

So, hope is about possibility, fear does not see possibility.

- Hope is kind
- Fear is not kind

If you're not be kind to somebody then you're being fearful. When we're in a hopeful state of mind, if we are being hopeful, we are generous. It is easy to hear, it is easy to listen to people. When we're fearful we don't hear other people.

Our communications fail when we become fearful. When we're hopeful we're willing to be quiet, we're willing to listen and we're able to hear the other person.

- 1. So, hope is kind, fear is not...

- 2. Pay attention. Notice YOU!

- 3. Slow down take a breath, pay attention.

Have a wonderful day,

Thank you for sharing this moment with me.

Hope Hotline: 1 212-714-4673 (4673 = HOPE), open 24/7. Go ahead and call...wink!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Hope on the run...

Oh my, what a day...

Let's be real and let's get down to the facts of life. No matter how hopeful you are, no matter how positive you are, life happens. Events will unfold in a way that you simply are not prepared for them to.

Hope like joy takes practice...

Don't get me wrong, you can be hopeful in any moment at anytime or place that you choose to be, even if hope is not a habit for you. What I'm sharing is that a sustainable hope is something that is grown in the soil of time.

Like a garden your hope must be cared for as there will be weeds and there will be trash and there will dry seasons and also overly wet seasons. Regardless of the conditions, for your hope to thrive you must give it your attention and you must learn how to care for it as well.

If it's important it will get your attention!

Over time you will be rewarded in ways that you simply cannot imagine or know until you have put in the time and made the effort.

Hope will absolutely reward you...

When you make a commitment to hope and follow through you will begin to notice how the unexpected doesn't seem to take of course the way it use to.

Yesterday was one of those days for me...OMG!!!

I'm driving down the road, three lanes of traffic and as the traffic begins to come to a stop I push on my brake pedal, just as I always do, only to have it go crashing to floor...instantly the alarms start going off in my head...

- Is this really happening, I mean, am I really going to smash into the car that just came to a dead stop in front of me?

- Did I push the right pedal, quick double check...

- Pump the pedal, test it, see if it has stopped working all together. I pump the pedal I feel the brakes come back online...YES...AWESOME...I must have pushed the wrong pedal or both the brake and the gas pedal at the same time. A few seconds
later it happens again... (oh no, this isn't good)'s time to get off the road and over to the side.

On the side of the road I quickly check for a leak and sure enough there is a puddle of brake fluid... (no way, how could it be?) ...doesn't matter it is!!! ...wink!

The really awesome thing is that it all happened while talking with my wife so she was able to come help out right away. The unfortunate thing...our communications broke down and the trip from the point of failure to the auto store was anything but fun.

Through it all, time just kept on ticking...grin! Oh NO...grin!

Still, hope was not lost...

With all of the events unfolding the way they did it could have been easy to say...

"NOT TODAY! Maybe tomorrow!"

...I didn't do that, instead I just got it done.

At best, we do things imperfectly!

So, it is what it is...I did the Hope Hotline call, it wasn't perfect, still I did it. Now it's time to move on.

Have an amazingly hopeful day,


PS: You can call in to leave a message by calling...

1 212-714-4673 (4673 = HOPE)

Monday, August 3, 2009

7 Days of Hope: Day 1 Audio Available...

Day 1 audio recording...

If calling the Hope Hotline is not an option for you here's your chance to listen into the calls...

Download the Day 1 audio recording...

To download your personal copy of the Day 1 audio recording click here...

Listen to the recording and be sure to share your thoughts...

One last thing...your free gift from Day 1 is available by clicking on the "Day 1: Stepping Stones of HOPE!" link to the right of this post.

Hope Hotline: 1 212-714-4673 (4673 = HOPE), open 24/7. Go ahead and call...wink!

Saturday, August 1, 2009

HOPE can make or break you.

7 Days of Hope: Day 1, transcript...

Welcome to the Hope Hotline

A collaborative effort made possible by Katherine Gotshall English it is because of people like Katherine that HOPE is still alive today.

What a year it has been! With events being experienced both locally and globally like no other time. No doubt you have faced challenges, and maybe even a personal hardship during this time as it has been a year filled with opportunities to doubt, to fear or maybe even to feel hopeless.

Today I am here to say there is HOPE!

We are here today because there IS HOPE!

I'm James Possible and for TODAY and next 6 days I will be the Hope Hotline host or as Katherine calls it the "Hope Ambassador".

It is both a priviledge and an honor to be here with you on this 2nd day of August 2009.

Thank you.

Life and living have a way of being relentless teachers.

We either allow life to grind away until there is nothing left of us or like a stone being polished in a tumbler we become stronger and wiser as we embrace the challenges and through it all become the people we most want to be.

Still, keep in mind, life isn't just about the challenge, it's important to remember life is meant to be celebrated. Life is meant to be experienced.

Life is meant to be breathed in...sometimes you've just got to take a moment to sit back and breath it in. Deeply and slowly. Reminding yourself that you are alive! and because you are alive
there is HOPE!

So, let's take a moment to take a deep slow breath and remind ourselves of why we are a word...




Ok, close your eyes...
Now let's take a couple deep and hopeful breaths together...
Breathing in slowly and deeply and breathing out slowly


Breath in...breath out...

Ok, one more time...
Breath in...breath out...


So thank you for being here...thank you for your trust and your willingness to explore your hope with me.

It is my intent to celebrate you for being here, to celebrate you for saying "I'm not giving up!", or maybe even for saying "I love my life!"

No matter where you are today my goal is to share with you the experience of HOPE!

To do that I will be sharing with you what I know about Hope, what I've experienced with hope and why I feel hope can be the difference between a life well lived and a life of disappointment.

Whether or not it is about you, your job, your business, your family or even a friend...right now, right here I want you to know HOPE can make or break you.

You're here and that means something, and because you are I'm going to give you my very best.

Your Sharing is the first step... us experiencing this opportunity of hope for these 7 days.

Together we can find hope!

If you have a question, a doubt, a fear, a hope or you just have something to share please take the time to do so by leaving a message at the end of the call.

Even if you do nothing more than share a single word, a sinkgle thought, a feeling, a name, a hope, a concern just share it. Go ahead and let go of the thought, this is your chance, with no judgment, to let it go.

If you'd like to celebrate a victory, a choice, an experience of you living your best go ahead and share it.

Your sharing creates momentum and because of your sharing others will do the same...take this moment and make it yours.

Take advantage of this time, it is your time to use.

Ok, let's wrap it up...

There are three things for you to do today...

1. Leave a message; what about hope is important for you.
2. Remember to breathe today, deep slow breaths, remember to be hopeful.
3. Get your free gift for being here with me today by going to

Finally, remember join me tomorrow for more hope and another free gift.

Free Gift...Day 1: The 9 Stepping Stones of Hope!

Thank you, because of you...there is HOPE!

PS: You can call in to leave a message by calling...

1 212-714-4673 (4673 = HOPE)

Friday, July 31, 2009

Hope is blind...

Hope doesn't doubt...

If hope isn't blind and it doesn't doubt then what the heck am I feeling...


...ultimately it's "FEAR!!!"

When you embrace your hope, fear takes a seat on the sideline. When you embrace your fear, hope takes a seat on the sideline. Knowing that you are doing this is critical to you creating and living a life of hope.

Pay attention, notice the questions you ask and most importantly notice how you respond or react to your questions.

Trust your hope, it is meant for you and you alone!

Strengthen your hope by joining me on the Hope Hotline from August 2nd to the 8th...

1 212-714-4673 (4673 = HOPE)

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Freedom is a product of HOPE!

It starts with hope...

Until you have hope there is no reason to be
any different than you have been. Which is
ok if where you are is enough. On the other
hand...if you're ready for a change...

Pay attention...

Without HOPE it's going to be difficult to
make a lasting change.

What does freedom mean for you?

What does it feel like when you begin to consider
the meaning of freedom for yourself?

- Pay attention to those thoughts that feel good.
- Pay attention to the experience of feeling good.
- Notice how you change when you start to feel good.

Hope feels good!

Once you identify your hope you are ready to begin.

Ready or not go have an awesome day!

Remember: Starting August 2nd I will be hosting the
Hope Hotline...

1 212-714-4673 (4673 = HOPE)

...a 24/7 service. Come listen and share with me your
experience of hope.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

What color is your HOPE?

Far to often it is the typical or the norm that drives us...

As you begin to understand or as I like to say "come to terms with yourself" you will begin to understand...

YOU ARE NOT TYPICAL! are unique, despite all of the similarities you may find between you and others...the fact that remains true is that you are "unique". So too is your hope.

How do you experience your hope...

- Is it a place?
- Is it an experience?
- Is it a person?
- Is it a book?

...or is it a color?

Give yourself a moment, a precious moment of your time, to consider how you experience your hope. Allow yourself the freedom to explore a part of you you may have forgotten exists.

Once you find your hope, your color, your experience that certain magic take it in, allow it's warmth to embrace all of you. In this moment is an opportunity for you to find what cannot be taken from you.

Your HOPE!

In hope there is no room for fear, there is only the moment and you. It is here that life happens.

Have a hopeful day,


PS: Share a gift! Share The Hope Hotline 1 212-714-4673 (4673 = HOPE) with a friend. Be the hope you seek, be a gift.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Hope is a choice...

I happened across a blog post today that describes hope in action...

“It’s all I have,” she smiled. “But I wanted to give something.”

...don't let the open line stop you (wink!) keep reading.

How many examples of hope have you noticed today, yesterday or even in the last seven days?

Take a moment to revisit those hope filled moments...what did you notice?

Have an awesome day of hope,


PS: Call The Hope Hotline 1 212-714-4673 (4673 = HOPE) and tell a friend.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Hope is not a wish!

To hope is to know...

Hope is never clouded. Have you ever looked at a cloudy sky to see a spot where the rays of light, from the sun, find their way through an opening in the clouds? Hope is very similar.

In a hectic world where you feel hurried, out of time and out of breath, hope has a way of finding an opening in the clouds of stress.

- Hope has a way of reminding us "it's ok, this too shall pass".
- Hope has a way of reminding us "there is another".

The moment a wish is acted on it becomes hope. ..

Hope without action is nothing more than a wish.

- Do you have a wish?
- What would it take for you to act on your wish?

I will be hosting The Hope Hotline from August 2nd to the 8th. You will have a chance to hear me and to share your thoughts of living with or without hope. Remember...

The Hope Hotline is open 24/7...

1 212-714-4673 (4673 = HOPE)

Have hopeful day,


PS: Hope is always there it's more about whether or not you are giving a hope a chance.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Hope is Unstoppable...

Here is a quote that says it best...

"Hope is the last thing that dies in man." François de la Rochefoucauld

Whether or not hope is a conscious choice for you doesn't matter. Even if all that remains for you is the tiniest sliver of hope, your hope will always be a driving force. Much like lighting a match in pitch dark room, no matter the size you will see the flame.

Hope doesn't die!

So long as you are breathing there is an unstoppable hope deep within you.

Learning how to embrace your hopeful nature does not require years of practice...
  • Being hopeful is about possibility.
  • Being hopefu is about trusting what is.
  • Being hopeful is about being thankful.
  • Being hopeful is about listening to your heart.
  • Being hopeful is about feeling good.
Hope is like air, your dreams require hope to breathe.

So, go ahead, take a moment, take a break, allow yourself to breathe. Allow yourself enough time to take a couple deep, slow and deliberate breaths. It's almost impossible to be hopeful if you are constantly being busy.

No matter what, always remember, hope is always with you.

Have a hopeful day,


PS: The Hope Hotline is here for you 24/7. All you have to do is call...

1 212-714-4673 (4673 = HOPE)

Friday, July 24, 2009

Hope IS a Big Thing!

I never knew...

In preparing for my 7 Days of Hope as an Ambassador of Hope for the Hope Hotline I've come to realize "Hope is something I know very well!" and the odds probably know a lot more about hope than you realize.

How did I realize...

So, how did I come to realize how much I know about Hope? Well, I started searching the internet for quotes about Hope. The more quotes I found, the more I wanted to share my thoughts, my feelings and my experiences of Hope. In fact I started to create my own Hope quotes.

In two short days I come to realize I know a great deal about hope and I have an amazing collection of quotes and thoughts written by me to prove it. In short...

I come to realize "I am a very hopeful person!"

Here's one of my latest hope quotes...

Living without hope is like eating a handful of crackers without a glass of water. It just doesn't work. James Possible

August 2nd through the 8th I'll serving up Hope for all the world to enjoy on The Hope Hotline...

1 212-714-4673 (4673 = HOPE)

Have a hopeful day,


PS: Without Hope there is no future!

It Starts with HOPE!

Hope is the first step...

No matter the task, no matter the vision, no matter the all starts with hope. It is that first inkling of possibility that leads us to take that first step, to have that first thought or even to be inspired.

Hope comes in all shapes, sizes and forms...

When it comes to hope it's personal. There is no measurement for hope except hope itself. Either you have hope or you don't. Where you find your hope or how you experience your hope is not important, remember "it's personal".

What's important IS that you have HOPE!

- Hope can be a feeling...
- Hope can be an experience...
- Hope can be a word...
- Hope can be a memory...
- Hope can be a friend...
- Hope can be a pet...
- Hope can be a song...

Hope is shapeless, it has no size or form and it can even change as we live, grow and experience it.

In Hope all is possible...

So, find it, keep it and nurture it, your dream depends on your HOPE!

Have a hopeful day,


PS: The Hope Hotline is here for you 24/7. All you have to do is call...

1 212-714-4673 (4673 = HOPE)

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Hope Hotline

Hope is to possibility what gasoline is to fire!

Without HOPE there is no possibility, there is no reason to act. Hope is the fuel of possibility and the spark that sets dreams in motion.

The Hope Hotline is a opportunity to recharge...

My good friend Katherine Gotshall English is the creator of the Hope Hotline. English created the hotline with a simple idea in share a message of hope with those in need of a Hope booster.

No matter the reason, economic conditions, concern for a friend, a personal loss or even a desire to keep your already hopeful spirit charged the Hope Hotline is available for you.

Call anytime for HOPE...

To call the Hope Hotline just call 1 212-714-4673 (4673 = HOPE). Listen to the daily message of Hope and then leave a message if you are so moved, even if it's just a simple thank you. It let's the weekly Hope Ambassador know you listening...wink!

The Hope Hotline is here for you 24/7. All you have to do is call...

1 212-714-4673 (4673 = HOPE)

I will be the Hope Ambassador for the week of August 2nd through the 8th.

I look forward to sharing "7 Days of Hope" with you,

James Possible