Welcome to the Hope Hotline
Today I'm going focus on the question...
What gets in the way of you experiencing hope?
If hope is one of those things that seems to come and go without reason this message maybe the message you're looking for.
I'm James Possible and I'll be your Hope Host today.
Today is the 7th of August 2009.
The Hope Hotline is sponsored by Katherine Gotshall English and it is because of Katherine that you and I are having this hoepful opportunity.
Ok, let's get started...
What is it that's keeping you from experiencing hope?
- Are you looking in the right places?
- Are you talking to the right people?
- Are you eating the right foods?
- Are you exercising?
- Are you reading the right books?
(and the list could really go on and on and on)
Seriously, if you're asking a question that is similar to the questions I just asked, then this will be important for you to consider...
Hope is not something you have to look for, in the way you might go looking for buried treasure. Rather it is something that is always with you. If you're not seeing or feeling it, then it's time for a change, it's time to starting asking questions.
It's time for you to start asking questions!
First, let's take one more look at the questions I just asked...
Being in the right place or with the right person can definitely create the opportunity for you to have an experience of hope. Still, it is not the place or the person that ultimately creates the Hope.
- It is YOU, that makes it happen!
- It is YOU, that allows yourself to be hopeful!
I know this can sound a little tricky.
So, what is it about the place or the person that allows you to be hopeful?
That's a question for you to consider.
As you are going through your day, your week or even your month take time to notice those moments when you are feeling hopeful and inspired. Give yourself a chance to step back from the moment and to observe and to ask the question...
What is different about this moment?
- Is it the place?
- Is it the person(s)?
What is it?
You can also do the samething with fear and by working backwards you can begin to answer the same questions for Hope.
The more you ask questions the more likely you are to begin to understand how hope works for you.
- Your job is to be the observer
- Your job is to notice
You may even consider whether or not you're getting enough sleep.
Something that simple could have an impact on your ability to be hopeful.
Have you ever heard the saying "Garbage in, Garbage out"?
What you eat, whether or not you exercise or even what you read, all can play a role in how mindful you are during your day. They are influencers that can impact your attitude and your ability to experience and to respond to life.
Are you giving yourself the best opportunity possible to live your day to it's fullest?
It all starts with YOU, even Hope starts with YOU!
Pay attention, notice your habits and notice YOU.
One last thing to consider here is this...
Do you trust and value what you know?
Not what you think, rather what you know. And I'm talking about the knowing that comes with a feeling i.e., like the saying "I can feel it in my bones". We all have those feelings, some of us ignore them and others of us learn to rely on them.
If you're not relying on what you know, does that mean you are relying on others for the answer?
Something else for you to consider.
How often to you doubt what your gut is telling only to have someone else tell you the very same thing?
Learning to trust yourself can really help when it comes to you being more hopeful.
Remember Hope takes practice and before you can practice Hope you have have to practice trusting yourself.
Have a beautiful day, thanks for being here.
Remember, you can find more Hope tips, gifts and past recordings at 7DaysOfHope.blogspot.com. That's the number 7...DaysOfHope.Blogspot.com.
Take care.
Hope Hotline: 1 212-714-4673 (4673 = HOPE), open 24/7. Go ahead and call...wink!
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