Welcome to the Hope Hotline
This is James Possible I'll be your Hope Host today.
Today is the 5th of August 2009.
This is my 4th day of hope, in all we will have 10 days of hope together.
The Hope Hotline is sponsored by Katherine Gotshall English. It is because of Katherine that you and I are having this moment of hope.
So, let's review...
Over the last three days we've covered quite a bit...
Sharing -
Getting your thoughts out of your head.
- By saying them
- By writing them
- By sharing them
This give you an opportunity to experience your thoughts in a different way. Thoughts can be so seductive while they are in your head. Getting them out quickly let's you know whether or not they could benefit from a couple changes or even if they matter.
We also talked about breathing -
By stepping back and giving yourself a chance to breathe you also give yourself an opportunity to become an observer of your experience. A perspective that can really make a difference.
I also shared how hope and fear cannot be experienced at the same time.
- When you are hopeful there is no fear.
- When you are fearful there is no hope.
So, keep that in mind and use it.
I also mentioned how recalling your hopeful moments can really help you find and keep your hope.
So, take a moment to consider...
- What helps you find hope?
- What gives you a feeling of hope?
- What gives you an experience of hope?
...think about it...
- What things are hopeful for you?
- What places are hopeful for you?
- What people are hopeful for you?
- What words are hopeful for you?
- Even, what books are hopeful for you?
...take a moment to answer the questions, by recalling those moments when a person, a place or a thing from either your past or present gave you a sense of hopefulness.
Pay attention to your feeling.
Pay attention to your physical experience as you recall your hopeful moments. Your physical experience is a clue to how you experience hope and with practice you
will be able to create those hopeful experiences with ease.
Notice how and where you experience your feelings of hope. Where in your body do you experience it...
- in your stomach
- in your hands
- in your face
- in your toes
- in your bones
...just notice.
As you recall your hopeful moments find a way to keep them close by, so you can recall them easily and often. Imagine having a hope chest and placing each hopeful moment inside of your hope chest.
Practice recalling your hopeful moments, do it often.
Hope takes practice!
Hope is not passive, hope requires your participation.
- Keep your hope alive
- Care for your hope
- Nurture your hope
Immerse yourself in hope and your life will become an experience you want to live. Take it in, find your hope.
Live your life!
Ok, take a moment, after the beep, to leave a message. Share with me a hopeful moment you recalled.
Also, remember to goto 7DaysOfHope.Blogspot.com, that's the number 7...DaysOfHope.Blogspot.com, for call recordings, free gifts and much more.
Have an amazing day,
Thanks for being here with me.
Hope Hotline: 1 212-714-4673 (4673 = HOPE), open 24/7. Go ahead and call...wink!
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