Welcome to the Hope Hotline.
This is James Possible I'll be your hope host today.
Today is the 3rd of August 2009.
The Hope Hotline is sponsored by Katherine Gotshall English.
It is because of Katherine that you and I are having this
moment of hope.
- Hope is about possibility.
- Fear does not see possibility.
- Hope is about choice.
- Fear doesn't see a choice.
When we are fearful there are no options...
There's only one way to do it and it's usually a have to. I've got to do this and I've got to do it this way and I've got to do it by a certain time.
It's just amazing when we get into that fearful state of mind all the things that we feel are true and that we have to do. And if all we do is step back from that moment, those moments of stress and those anxiety filled moments. If we just step back from them and allow ourselves to take a deep slow breath...
Breath in...breath out...
One more time...
Breath in...
Suddenly we are a different person. Our body physically changes, our mindset changes when we allow ourselves to take a breath. When we are anxious and upset and stressed we stop breathing. It's important to remember to breath.
Breath in hope and breath out fear...
When we breath we literally breath in hope and breath out fear.
Suddenly we can see possibility when we allow ourselves to step back and ask questions about what's going on. So, notice that, pay attention, breath and slow down.
Share your thoughts, share your experiences...
As you're hearing me, as you're thinking about all of this what experiences are coming to mind for you, what words are coming to mind for you, what thoughts. Well, I want you to share those thoughts at the end of this call. And it's not just for me, it's for you because as you're thinking stuff and you start to speak it, it always sounds different than when you're thinking it.
When we speak our thoughts we gain perspective...
So, speak things, write things, so you can get them out of your head. and so the things that aren't so obvious in your head can become very obvious as you speak them. And sometimes, just
sometimes, if you're so anxious and upset about something, sometimes just speaking it, makes it so obvious why it's not true.
Silence suppresses hope...
It's a great practice to share your thoughts.
- Hope is not Silent.
- Fear thrives in silence.
So, notice those things.
Today, I want to give to you a gift the Distinctions of Hope and you can get that at 7DaysOfHope.blogspot.com (and that's the number 7, ok, 7DaysOfHope.blogspot.com) and yesterday's recording, hope recording is there as well.
So, hope is about possibility, fear does not see possibility.
- Hope is kind
- Fear is not kind
If you're not be kind to somebody then you're being fearful. When we're in a hopeful state of mind, if we are being hopeful, we are generous. It is easy to hear, it is easy to listen to people. When we're fearful we don't hear other people.
Our communications fail when we become fearful. When we're hopeful we're willing to be quiet, we're willing to listen and we're able to hear the other person.
- 1. So, hope is kind, fear is not...
- 2. Pay attention. Notice YOU!
- 3. Slow down take a breath, pay attention.
Have a wonderful day,
Thank you for sharing this moment with me.
Hope Hotline: 1 212-714-4673 (4673 = HOPE), open 24/7. Go ahead and call...wink!
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