7 Days of Hope: Day 5, transcript...
Welcome to the Hope Hotline.
I'm going to start off with a quote quote from Richard Bach's book "Illusions"...
"Argue for your limitations and you get to keep them."
I like to say it like this...
"Argue for your limitations and your limitations are what you will have!"
Hope doesn't understand limitations, Hope only sees possibilities.
So, what if...
Seriously, WHAT IF, you suddenly found yourself without any limitations...as the Genie might say...
"Your wish, is my command!"
Can you even imagine such a possibility?
I'm James Possible and I'll be your hope host today.
Today is the 6th of August 2009.
This is the 5th day of hope for me and I'm glad to know that you and I are sharing it together. Hope is a wonderful thing and it is because of Katherine Gotshall English that we even have this hopeful opportunity today.
Ok, before I get rolling I would like to invite you to share what you notice during our time together. Even if it's just a single word, share it. It would really be great to hear from you, so, at the end of the call, after the beep just leave a message, even it's just to say say hi...grin!
Ok, "Your wish, is my command!"
What goes through your mind when you hear "Your wish, is my command"?
Is it something like...
- Whatever you say James, whatever you say!
- or Life doesn't work like that, come on, get real!
- or How is that suppose to happen?
(did you have doubts like that)
...or did you start to think about your wish?
Did you start to think about the possibilities?
Seriously, did you have a wish in mind and if so, what was it?
Share your wish with me at the end of the call...I'd love to hear it.
It's so easy to get caught up in the (quote) "REALITIES" of life, that you actually can forget...
- that you even have an opportuntiy to dream
- or that you even have a dream to dream
...just as important, you may have learned, some where along the way that dreams don't come true.
I'm here to say, your dream can come true.
Dreams come true every day for people just like you. So, why not your dream?
Why not YOU!
Have you dreamed lately, if not, maybe it's time for you to get started.
Remember...if you're to busy to dream...you're to busy to live...
Feeling stressed, feeling challenged, maybe thinking ok James "I
hear you BUT..."
Then...let's take a break, let's take a couple deep slow breaths...
Ready, close your eyes and breath with me...
breath in...breath out...
One more time
breath in...breath out...
Let it go...relax...
Ok, how did that feel? I love when I give myself a chance to take a couple slow deep breaths, it always feels so good. It energizes me.
- Hope is another thing that feels good!
- Hope is another thing that energizes me!
It's also important to remember, Hope is not a passive state of being. Hope without action is nothing more than a wish.
Are you taking hopeful or fearful actions?
Did you know we vote with our actions...you vote with your actions.
Your actions tell the world and everyone else what matters most. Whether or not you like it, it is a fact. The thing that is most important to you is the thing that will get the lions share of your attention and action.
- Do your actions match what you most want
- or are you focused on something that isn't so important.
Just notice what is true, don't fight it, don't judge it, just notice.
And then remember...
At best, we do things imperfectly...
One more time, really think about this, at best, we do things imperfectly.
Another quote that comes to mind is one from Thomas Leonard...
You are ALWAYS doing your best, even when it's clear to others you are not!
He's saying...
Where you are today is perfect.
How's that for hope...that's like over the top hopeful.
Earlier this week I talked about where ever you are is enough. You can start there and from there begin to be hopeful, no matter the challenge you face, hope is always available to you.
All you have to do is...
- slow down
- look around
- remember what's important
- notice what you notice
- take a deep, slow breath
and ask yourself...
Is what I'm doing and who I'm being in this moment hopeful or fearful?
Remember, hope takes practice, so, give it your attention on a regular basis.
Have an amazing day,
Come visit me at 7DaysOfHope.blogspot.com, that's the number 7-DaysofHope.blogspot.com. Listen to the recorded calls and enjoy the gifts of hope I created just for you.
Thank you.
Hope Hotline: 1 212-714-4673 (4673 = HOPE), open 24/7. Go ahead and call...wink!
Hope embraces possibility…
15 years ago
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