Saturday, September 26, 2009

7 Days of Hope: Day 6 Audio Recording Available...

Day 6 audio recording...

If calling the Hope Hotline is not an option for you here's your chance to listen into the calls...

Download the Day 6 audio recording...

To download your personal copy of the Day 6 audio recording click here...

Listen to the recording and be sure to share your thoughts...

One last thing...your free gift from Day 6 will be available shortly.

Hope Hotline: 1 212-714-4673 (4673 = HOPE), open 24/7. Go ahead and call...wink!

Hope: What gets in the way?

7 Days of Hope: Day 6, transcript...

Welcome to the Hope Hotline

Today I'm going focus on the question...

What gets in the way of you experiencing hope?

If hope is one of those things that seems to come and go without reason this message maybe the message you're looking for.

I'm James Possible and I'll be your Hope Host today.

Today is the 7th of August 2009.

The Hope Hotline is sponsored by Katherine Gotshall English and it is because of Katherine that you and I are having this hoepful opportunity.

Ok, let's get started...

What is it that's keeping you from experiencing hope?

- Are you looking in the right places?
- Are you talking to the right people?
- Are you eating the right foods?
- Are you exercising?
- Are you reading the right books?

(and the list could really go on and on and on)

Seriously, if you're asking a question that is similar to the questions I just asked, then this will be important for you to consider...

Hope is not something you have to look for, in the way you might go looking for buried treasure. Rather it is something that is always with you. If you're not seeing or feeling it, then it's time for a change, it's time to starting asking questions.

It's time for you to start asking questions!

First, let's take one more look at the questions I just asked...

Being in the right place or with the right person can definitely create the opportunity for you to have an experience of hope. Still, it is not the place or the person that ultimately creates the Hope.

- It is YOU, that makes it happen!
- It is YOU, that allows yourself to be hopeful!

I know this can sound a little tricky.

So, what is it about the place or the person that allows you to be hopeful?

That's a question for you to consider.

As you are going through your day, your week or even your month take time to notice those moments when you are feeling hopeful and inspired. Give yourself a chance to step back from the moment and to observe and to ask the question...

What is different about this moment?

- Is it the place?
- Is it the person(s)?

What is it?

You can also do the samething with fear and by working backwards you can begin to answer the same questions for Hope.

The more you ask questions the more likely you are to begin to understand how hope works for you.

- Your job is to be the observer
- Your job is to notice

You may even consider whether or not you're getting enough sleep.

Something that simple could have an impact on your ability to be hopeful.

Have you ever heard the saying "Garbage in, Garbage out"?

What you eat, whether or not you exercise or even what you read, all can play a role in how mindful you are during your day. They are influencers that can impact your attitude and your ability to experience and to respond to life.

Are you giving yourself the best opportunity possible to live your day to it's fullest?

It all starts with YOU, even Hope starts with YOU!

Pay attention, notice your habits and notice YOU.

One last thing to consider here is this...

Do you trust and value what you know?

Not what you think, rather what you know. And I'm talking about the knowing that comes with a feeling i.e., like the saying "I can feel it in my bones". We all have those feelings, some of us ignore them and others of us learn to rely on them.

If you're not relying on what you know, does that mean you are relying on others for the answer?

Something else for you to consider.

How often to you doubt what your gut is telling only to have someone else tell you the very same thing?

Learning to trust yourself can really help when it comes to you being more hopeful.

Remember Hope takes practice and before you can practice Hope you have have to practice trusting yourself.

Have a beautiful day, thanks for being here.

Remember, you can find more Hope tips, gifts and past recordings at That's the number

Take care.

Hope Hotline: 1 212-714-4673 (4673 = HOPE), open 24/7. Go ahead and call...wink!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

7 Days of Hope: Day 5 Audio Recording Available...

Day 5 audio recording...

If calling the Hope Hotline is not an option for you here's your chance to listen into the calls...

Download the Day 5 audio recording...

To download your personal copy of the Day 5 audio recording click here...

Listen to the recording and be sure to share your thoughts...

One last thing...your free gift from Day 5 will be available shortly.

Hope Hotline: 1 212-714-4673 (4673 = HOPE), open 24/7. Go ahead and call...wink!

Hope: Your wish, is my command!

7 Days of Hope: Day 5, transcript...

Welcome to the Hope Hotline.

I'm going to start off with a quote quote from Richard Bach's book "Illusions"...

"Argue for your limitations and you get to keep them."

I like to say it like this...

"Argue for your limitations and your limitations are what you will have!"

Hope doesn't understand limitations, Hope only sees possibilities.

So, what if...

Seriously, WHAT IF, you suddenly found yourself without any the Genie might say...

"Your wish, is my command!"

Can you even imagine such a possibility?

I'm James Possible and I'll be your hope host today.

Today is the 6th of August 2009.

This is the 5th day of hope for me and I'm glad to know that you and I are sharing it together. Hope is a wonderful thing and it is because of Katherine Gotshall English that we even have this hopeful opportunity today.

Ok, before I get rolling I would like to invite you to share what you notice during our time together. Even if it's just a single word, share it. It would really be great to hear from you, so, at the end of the call, after the beep just leave a message, even it's just to say say hi...grin!

Ok, "Your wish, is my command!"

What goes through your mind when you hear "Your wish, is my command"?

Is it something like...

- Whatever you say James, whatever you say!
- or Life doesn't work like that, come on, get real!
- or How is that suppose to happen?

(did you have doubts like that)

...or did you start to think about your wish?

Did you start to think about the possibilities?

Seriously, did you have a wish in mind and if so, what was it?

Share your wish with me at the end of the call...I'd love to hear it.

It's so easy to get caught up in the (quote) "REALITIES" of life, that you actually can forget...

- that you even have an opportuntiy to dream
- or that you even have a dream to dream

...just as important, you may have learned, some where along the way that dreams don't come true.

I'm here to say, your dream can come true.

Dreams come true every day for people just like you. So, why not your dream?

Why not YOU!

Have you dreamed lately, if not, maybe it's time for you to get started.


Remember...if you're to busy to're to busy to live...

Feeling stressed, feeling challenged, maybe thinking ok James "I
hear you BUT..."

Then...let's take a break, let's take a couple deep slow breaths...

Ready, close your eyes and breath with me...
breath in...breath out...
One more time
breath in...breath out...

Let it go...relax...


Ok, how did that feel? I love when I give myself a chance to take a couple slow deep breaths, it always feels so good. It energizes me.

- Hope is another thing that feels good!
- Hope is another thing that energizes me!

It's also important to remember, Hope is not a passive state of being. Hope without action is nothing more than a wish.

Are you taking hopeful or fearful actions?

Did you know we vote with our vote with your actions.

Your actions tell the world and everyone else what matters most. Whether or not you like it, it is a fact. The thing that is most important to you is the thing that will get the lions share of your attention and action.

- Do your actions match what you most want
- or are you focused on something that isn't so important.

Just notice what is true, don't fight it, don't judge it, just notice.

And then remember...

At best, we do things imperfectly...

One more time, really think about this, at best, we do things imperfectly.

Another quote that comes to mind is one from Thomas Leonard...

You are ALWAYS doing your best, even when it's clear to others you are not!

He's saying...


Where you are today is perfect.

How's that for hope...that's like over the top hopeful.

Earlier this week I talked about where ever you are is enough. You can start there and from there begin to be hopeful, no matter the challenge you face, hope is always available to you.

All you have to do is...

- slow down
- look around
- remember what's important
- notice what you notice
- take a deep, slow breath

and ask yourself...

Is what I'm doing and who I'm being in this moment hopeful or fearful?

Remember, hope takes practice, so, give it your attention on a regular basis.

Have an amazing day,

Come visit me at, that's the number Listen to the recorded calls and enjoy the gifts of hope I created just for you.

Thank you.

Hope Hotline: 1 212-714-4673 (4673 = HOPE), open 24/7. Go ahead and call...wink!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

7 Days of Hope: Day 4 Audio Recording Available...

Day 4 audio recording...

If calling the Hope Hotline is not an option for you here's your chance to listen into the calls...

Download the Day 4 audio recording...

To download your personal copy of the Day 4 audio recording click here...

Listen to the recording and be sure to share your thoughts...

One last thing...your free gift from Day 4 will be available shortly.

Hope Hotline: 1 212-714-4673 (4673 = HOPE), open 24/7. Go ahead and call...wink!

Filling Your Hope Chest: Moments of Hope

7 Days of Hope: Day 4, transcript...

Welcome to the Hope Hotline

This is James Possible I'll be your Hope Host today.

Today is the 5th of August 2009.

This is my 4th day of hope, in all we will have 10 days of hope together.

The Hope Hotline is sponsored by Katherine Gotshall English. It is because of Katherine that you and I are having this moment of hope.

So, let's review...

Over the last three days we've covered quite a bit...

Sharing -

Getting your thoughts out of your head.

- By saying them
- By writing them
- By sharing them

This give you an opportunity to experience your thoughts in a different way. Thoughts can be so seductive while they are in your head. Getting them out quickly let's you know whether or not they could benefit from a couple changes or even if they matter.

We also talked about breathing -

By stepping back and giving yourself a chance to breathe you also give yourself an opportunity to become an observer of your experience. A perspective that can really make a difference.

I also shared how hope and fear cannot be experienced at the same time.

- When you are hopeful there is no fear.
- When you are fearful there is no hope.

So, keep that in mind and use it.

I also mentioned how recalling your hopeful moments can really help you find and keep your hope.

So, take a moment to consider...

- What helps you find hope?
- What gives you a feeling of hope?
- What gives you an experience of hope?

...think about it...

- What things are hopeful for you?
- What places are hopeful for you?
- What people are hopeful for you?
- What words are hopeful for you?
- Even, what books are hopeful for you?

...take a moment to answer the questions, by recalling those moments when a person, a place or a thing from either your past or present gave you a sense of hopefulness.

Pay attention to your feeling.

Pay attention to your physical experience as you recall your hopeful moments. Your physical experience is a clue to how you experience hope and with practice you
will be able to create those hopeful experiences with ease.

Notice how and where you experience your feelings of hope. Where in your body do you experience it...

- in your stomach
- in your hands
- in your face
- in your toes
- in your bones

...just notice.

As you recall your hopeful moments find a way to keep them close by, so you can recall them easily and often. Imagine having a hope chest and placing each hopeful moment inside of your hope chest.

Practice recalling your hopeful moments, do it often.

Hope takes practice!

Hope is not passive, hope requires your participation.

- Keep your hope alive
- Care for your hope
- Nurture your hope

Immerse yourself in hope and your life will become an experience you want to live. Take it in, find your hope.

Live your life!

Ok, take a moment, after the beep, to leave a message. Share with me a hopeful moment you recalled.

Also, remember to goto, that's the number, for call recordings, free gifts and much more.

Have an amazing day,

Thanks for being here with me.

Hope Hotline: 1 212-714-4673 (4673 = HOPE), open 24/7. Go ahead and call...wink!

Monday, August 10, 2009

7 Days of Hope: Day 3 Audio Recording Available...

Day 3 audio recording...

If calling the Hope Hotline is not an option for you here's your chance to listen into the calls...

Download the Day 3 audio recording...

To download your personal copy of the Day 3 audio recording click here...

Listen to the recording and be sure to share your thoughts...

One last thing...your free gift from Day 3 is available by clicking on the "Day 3: Finding Hope..." link to the right of this post.

Hope Hotline: 1 212-714-4673 (4673 = HOPE), open 24/7. Go ahead and call...wink!