Friday, July 31, 2009

Hope is blind...

Hope doesn't doubt...

If hope isn't blind and it doesn't doubt then what the heck am I feeling...


...ultimately it's "FEAR!!!"

When you embrace your hope, fear takes a seat on the sideline. When you embrace your fear, hope takes a seat on the sideline. Knowing that you are doing this is critical to you creating and living a life of hope.

Pay attention, notice the questions you ask and most importantly notice how you respond or react to your questions.

Trust your hope, it is meant for you and you alone!

Strengthen your hope by joining me on the Hope Hotline from August 2nd to the 8th...

1 212-714-4673 (4673 = HOPE)

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Freedom is a product of HOPE!

It starts with hope...

Until you have hope there is no reason to be
any different than you have been. Which is
ok if where you are is enough. On the other
hand...if you're ready for a change...

Pay attention...

Without HOPE it's going to be difficult to
make a lasting change.

What does freedom mean for you?

What does it feel like when you begin to consider
the meaning of freedom for yourself?

- Pay attention to those thoughts that feel good.
- Pay attention to the experience of feeling good.
- Notice how you change when you start to feel good.

Hope feels good!

Once you identify your hope you are ready to begin.

Ready or not go have an awesome day!

Remember: Starting August 2nd I will be hosting the
Hope Hotline...

1 212-714-4673 (4673 = HOPE)

...a 24/7 service. Come listen and share with me your
experience of hope.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

What color is your HOPE?

Far to often it is the typical or the norm that drives us...

As you begin to understand or as I like to say "come to terms with yourself" you will begin to understand...

YOU ARE NOT TYPICAL! are unique, despite all of the similarities you may find between you and others...the fact that remains true is that you are "unique". So too is your hope.

How do you experience your hope...

- Is it a place?
- Is it an experience?
- Is it a person?
- Is it a book?

...or is it a color?

Give yourself a moment, a precious moment of your time, to consider how you experience your hope. Allow yourself the freedom to explore a part of you you may have forgotten exists.

Once you find your hope, your color, your experience that certain magic take it in, allow it's warmth to embrace all of you. In this moment is an opportunity for you to find what cannot be taken from you.

Your HOPE!

In hope there is no room for fear, there is only the moment and you. It is here that life happens.

Have a hopeful day,


PS: Share a gift! Share The Hope Hotline 1 212-714-4673 (4673 = HOPE) with a friend. Be the hope you seek, be a gift.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Hope is a choice...

I happened across a blog post today that describes hope in action...

“It’s all I have,” she smiled. “But I wanted to give something.”

...don't let the open line stop you (wink!) keep reading.

How many examples of hope have you noticed today, yesterday or even in the last seven days?

Take a moment to revisit those hope filled moments...what did you notice?

Have an awesome day of hope,


PS: Call The Hope Hotline 1 212-714-4673 (4673 = HOPE) and tell a friend.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Hope is not a wish!

To hope is to know...

Hope is never clouded. Have you ever looked at a cloudy sky to see a spot where the rays of light, from the sun, find their way through an opening in the clouds? Hope is very similar.

In a hectic world where you feel hurried, out of time and out of breath, hope has a way of finding an opening in the clouds of stress.

- Hope has a way of reminding us "it's ok, this too shall pass".
- Hope has a way of reminding us "there is another".

The moment a wish is acted on it becomes hope. ..

Hope without action is nothing more than a wish.

- Do you have a wish?
- What would it take for you to act on your wish?

I will be hosting The Hope Hotline from August 2nd to the 8th. You will have a chance to hear me and to share your thoughts of living with or without hope. Remember...

The Hope Hotline is open 24/7...

1 212-714-4673 (4673 = HOPE)

Have hopeful day,


PS: Hope is always there it's more about whether or not you are giving a hope a chance.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Hope is Unstoppable...

Here is a quote that says it best...

"Hope is the last thing that dies in man." François de la Rochefoucauld

Whether or not hope is a conscious choice for you doesn't matter. Even if all that remains for you is the tiniest sliver of hope, your hope will always be a driving force. Much like lighting a match in pitch dark room, no matter the size you will see the flame.

Hope doesn't die!

So long as you are breathing there is an unstoppable hope deep within you.

Learning how to embrace your hopeful nature does not require years of practice...
  • Being hopeful is about possibility.
  • Being hopefu is about trusting what is.
  • Being hopeful is about being thankful.
  • Being hopeful is about listening to your heart.
  • Being hopeful is about feeling good.
Hope is like air, your dreams require hope to breathe.

So, go ahead, take a moment, take a break, allow yourself to breathe. Allow yourself enough time to take a couple deep, slow and deliberate breaths. It's almost impossible to be hopeful if you are constantly being busy.

No matter what, always remember, hope is always with you.

Have a hopeful day,


PS: The Hope Hotline is here for you 24/7. All you have to do is call...

1 212-714-4673 (4673 = HOPE)

Friday, July 24, 2009

Hope IS a Big Thing!

I never knew...

In preparing for my 7 Days of Hope as an Ambassador of Hope for the Hope Hotline I've come to realize "Hope is something I know very well!" and the odds probably know a lot more about hope than you realize.

How did I realize...

So, how did I come to realize how much I know about Hope? Well, I started searching the internet for quotes about Hope. The more quotes I found, the more I wanted to share my thoughts, my feelings and my experiences of Hope. In fact I started to create my own Hope quotes.

In two short days I come to realize I know a great deal about hope and I have an amazing collection of quotes and thoughts written by me to prove it. In short...

I come to realize "I am a very hopeful person!"

Here's one of my latest hope quotes...

Living without hope is like eating a handful of crackers without a glass of water. It just doesn't work. James Possible

August 2nd through the 8th I'll serving up Hope for all the world to enjoy on The Hope Hotline...

1 212-714-4673 (4673 = HOPE)

Have a hopeful day,


PS: Without Hope there is no future!

It Starts with HOPE!

Hope is the first step...

No matter the task, no matter the vision, no matter the all starts with hope. It is that first inkling of possibility that leads us to take that first step, to have that first thought or even to be inspired.

Hope comes in all shapes, sizes and forms...

When it comes to hope it's personal. There is no measurement for hope except hope itself. Either you have hope or you don't. Where you find your hope or how you experience your hope is not important, remember "it's personal".

What's important IS that you have HOPE!

- Hope can be a feeling...
- Hope can be an experience...
- Hope can be a word...
- Hope can be a memory...
- Hope can be a friend...
- Hope can be a pet...
- Hope can be a song...

Hope is shapeless, it has no size or form and it can even change as we live, grow and experience it.

In Hope all is possible...

So, find it, keep it and nurture it, your dream depends on your HOPE!

Have a hopeful day,


PS: The Hope Hotline is here for you 24/7. All you have to do is call...

1 212-714-4673 (4673 = HOPE)

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Hope Hotline

Hope is to possibility what gasoline is to fire!

Without HOPE there is no possibility, there is no reason to act. Hope is the fuel of possibility and the spark that sets dreams in motion.

The Hope Hotline is a opportunity to recharge...

My good friend Katherine Gotshall English is the creator of the Hope Hotline. English created the hotline with a simple idea in share a message of hope with those in need of a Hope booster.

No matter the reason, economic conditions, concern for a friend, a personal loss or even a desire to keep your already hopeful spirit charged the Hope Hotline is available for you.

Call anytime for HOPE...

To call the Hope Hotline just call 1 212-714-4673 (4673 = HOPE). Listen to the daily message of Hope and then leave a message if you are so moved, even if it's just a simple thank you. It let's the weekly Hope Ambassador know you listening...wink!

The Hope Hotline is here for you 24/7. All you have to do is call...

1 212-714-4673 (4673 = HOPE)

I will be the Hope Ambassador for the week of August 2nd through the 8th.

I look forward to sharing "7 Days of Hope" with you,

James Possible